Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Decades Themed Dance Pictures

  • Raina: 20's
  • Hillary: 20's
  • Chloe: 50's
  • Me: 50's
  • Addie: 70's
  • Ellen: 80's
Hillary, Raina, Me, and Chloe

Hillary, Raina, Me, and Chloe

Chloe, Me, Ellen, and Raina

Me, Hillary, Chloe, and Raina

Raina, Me, Hillary, and Chloe

Ellen, Raina, Me, and Chloe

Chloe, Hillary, Raina, and Me

Ellen, Raina, Me, and Chloe

Hillary, Raina, Me, and Chloe

Hillary and Addie


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