Saturday, July 2, 2011

Dorm pictures

Okay, here are pictures of my dorm!

The Hopper Dorm. Doors on the left side of picture are the Girls side.

 The 2nd floor Hallway on the way to my dorm.

This was the room my roomates and I used for a temporary
bathroom while we waited for them to fix our toilet.

 Welcome to My Hall--theme: Tiffany & Co.

 My Doorway!

 Part of Our Bathroom--the Sinks.

 The Rest of our Bathroom--the toilet! shower is to the left of the door (hidden in picture)

My "Suite-mates'" room.

 This is my room--That's my roommate Elizabeth and some of her friends!

 The closets in our room.

 Inside look at my closet.

 My Desk.

 The storage under my bed (including my dressor).

Views from my room

PS. My toilet got fixed last night! Best Day EVER!!! ha ha.

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