Sunday, July 3, 2011


Hey Guys!!!

Sorry I've taken so long with my posts!!! those pictures have taken forever to download! First I tried to connect my phone (my camera of choice) to the computer with a USB cord, but apparently I can't do that unless I have my blackberry program downloaded. So, I began the slow process of emailing 3 pictures at a time to myself from my phone, which took forever since it was havingto process so much and cancels the request after so long of waiting to finish sending. then I have to download them from my email online, save them to my zip drive, then extract them from the zipped folders so I can then upload them to the Blog. To say the least, it has taken a lot of time! I am going to dinner now, but I hope to come back in later tonight to finish updating you with what has happened since Wednesday when I last blogged a real post.

Remember, tomorrow is 4th of July and all of the computers available for me (library and student union) will be closed. (laptops can't have internet in the dorms!) So...I'll not be able to talk with you all until Tuesday. Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Thanks for reading!


  1. I love following your adventures at GHP, Nicole! And I am so proud of you and the other Hall County participants! Please tell everyone hello. Hope y'all are enjoying every minute!

  2. Nicole:
    I am so happy that you are sharing your experiences with us-what an invaluable resource for future GHP students and a wonderful way to chronicle your experiences. I appreciate the energy, TIME, and effort required (including navigating technology issues such as no internet in your dorm room)to post on your blog. Great photos!!!! I get exhausted just reading your daily schedule-can't imagine how mentally taxing it is-but exciting. I am very proud of you!!!!!! Carpe Diem!

  3. Nicole, It was so great to see all your wonderful photos. Now I can put a face to the names I'm hearing you mention. You sure sound like you are having an awesome time. I am so happy for you. I'm exhausted just hearing how fun-packed your days are. Thanks for sharing this inside look into the GHP experience with the rest of us! I love You, Mom

  4. Sounds like this is a GREAT experience and I knew you and Raina would so enjoy it! Love the pictures since they say more than anything about your experience. You do realize that we really d don't have UFOs in Georgia...just Bigfoot!! :-P
